Dr. Alaa Ezz
Secretary General
Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations
Dr. Ezz has worked in the sustainable development fields for over 30 years during which he designed and implemented a host of projects and established companies in Africa, the Mediterranean and Arab regions, encompassing trade & industry, transport & logistics, tourism, sustainable development, investment promotion, technology transfer, health, renewable energy & infrastructure, gender, access to finance, media, and naturally advocacy.After a decade ending up as regional director for North Africa and Middle East in the United Nations Trade and Technology Promotion System, Dr. Ezz founded EnviroEgypt SAE a leading renewable energies and infrastructure corporation in the MENA region.At present, he is a First Undersecretary of State and Secretary General of the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce, the Union of African Chambers, and the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations. Recently he has been elected as the Chairman of the Confederation of Euro-Mediterranean and Black Sea Business Associations.Moreover, Dr. Ezz is the Secretary General of the Association of Enterprises for Environmental Conservation; the vice president of the Associació Mediterrània del Medi Ambient; the Chairman of the executive board of the Med-Alliance; member of the executive board of the Association of Mediterranean Chambers "ASCAME", and the Egyptian Internal Trade Development Authority; the coordinator of Union of Mediterranean Employers Federations "BusinessMed"; and the managing editor of Environment Today and Economy Today Magazines.After acquiring his M.B.,B.Ch., Dr. Ezz has obtained post graduate degrees in Economics and Environment. His published work includes tens of scientific papers and economic studies, hundreds of articles and several books including "Sustainability and Development, a developing economies perspective", “Trading with Free Trade Areas”, and "Environmental Planning for Developing Economies".