Serhat Dolaz

Serhat Dolaz

Chief Executive Officer

    Serhat Dolaz is the CEO of Paycell, a new generation payment and financial services platform. Dolaz, graduated from Yıldız Technical University with a degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering and completed the Bahçeşehir University MBA program. He had diversified his field of expertise with nano degree programs such as Machine Learning Engineering, Marketing Masters, Finance Masters. He let the way for the creation of payment technology millstones in Turkcell Teknoloji A.Ş and Paycell. After taking several technological management positions in those companies, he took on responsibilities latest as CTO and Deputy CEO of Paycell. He is also an Executive Board Member of Sofra A.Ş.(PAYE) and Vice Chairman of The Board of TÖDEB (Association of Payment and Electronic Money Institutions of Türkiye) Dolaz continues to contribute to the development of the new generation payment systems and the transformation of fintech ecosystems.”

    All Sessions by Serhat Dolaz