H.E. Fadi Al Zouki

H.E. Fadi Al Zouki

Honorary Consul for Lebanon in the State of Tasmania and President of ANLCCI

    All Sessions by H.E. Fadi Al Zouki

    The 3rd Emigrants Economic Conference
    13:30 - 14:45

    PANEL IV: What Role Can Emigrants Play in the Revival of Key Economic Sectors?

    • How the recovery is likely to take shape?
    • What Industries are Likely to Drive the Recovery?
    • Potential Role of Emigrants in the Recovery of Key Industries?
    • Needed reforms to Bolster Emigrants Confidence and Encourage them to Start Investing Again in Lebanon.

    13:30 - 14:45

    PANEL IV: What Role Can Emigrants Play in the Revival of Key Economic Sectors?

    • How the recovery is likely to take shape?
    • What Industries are Likely to Drive the Recovery?
    • Potential Role of Emigrants in the Recovery of Key Industries?
    • Needed reforms to Bolster Emigrants Confidence and Encourage them to Start Investing Again in Lebanon.