Ms. Dalia Jubaili

Ms. Dalia Jubaili

Member of the Board of Directors
Jubaili Bros Holding

    Mrs. Dalia Jubaili is the Vice President of the AUB Nature Conservative Center (AUBNCC), Recently elected Board member at RDCL, Board member at LLWB – Lebanese League for Women in Business, and a member of the Board of Directors at Jubaili Bros Holding, a global energy provider, established since 1977 in Lebanon.As of today, Jubaili Bros. provides energy in 11 countries with more than 1500 talents and have installed more than 20 GW power worldwide.

    All Sessions by Ms. Dalia Jubaili

    The 3rd Emigrants Economic Conference
    15:45 - 16:15

    PANEL V: Can Emigrants be a Catalyst for the Recovery of Services?

    • How the recovery is likely to take shape?
    • What Industries are Likely to Drive the Recovery?
    • Potential Role of Emigrants in the Recovery of Key Industries?
    • Needed reforms to Bolster Emigrants Confidence and Encourage them to Start Investing Again in Lebanon.