Arab Investment Forum – Mozambique


Arab Investment Forum's Guide to Prime Opportunities in Mozambique

Discover Lucrative Ventures and Strategic Investments for Sustainable Growth in Mozambique’s Booming Market

Project Number Project Title Project Description Site Location Estimated Total Investment Cost USD 10^6 Studies Available Project Status Priority Grade Type of Investment Source
1 Production of vegetable oil and installation of bean processing units “This project aims to establish industrial beans and oil processing units, in order to increase the production of these crops in rural areas. Furthermore, in those areas technical assistance will be made available for the producers, and market guarantees will be provided for the offtake of the production. The project also addresses the issues of food and nutritional security through domestic production, and the possibility of exports to international markets.” Zambezi Valley Not Defined Concept Note Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
2 “Agricultural Mechanization Project” “(i) Agricultural equipment Maintenance centers; (ii) Establishment of the centers of support the opening of new mechanizable agrarian areas for the production; (iii) Training Centers specialized in Agricultural Mechanization; (iv) Establishment of new machinery parks in administrative posts; (v) Project Operationalization.” Zambezi Valley 46.75 Concept Note Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
3 Seed potato programmes “The current potato market size in local markets in the Zambezi Valley is between 120,000 and 130,000 tonnes. The Zambezi Valley is home to around 42,000 small and medium-sized potato producers. Of these, we estimate that 1 percent of all farmers are interested in purchasing healthy, clean seeds. At a seed rate of 2.5 tonnes/ha, the target market seeks to supply seeds for 260 ha. It is proposed to create a seed potato program for the red-skinned varieties Rosita and Violeta in the Zambezi Valley.” Zambezi Valley 8.42 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
4 Production of potato crisps and chips “Processing potatoes into various products: Hardly any (cottage) industry of potato crisps nor chips are present in Mozambique. Yet crisps and frozen chips are found in shops, mainly imported from South Africa. As a rare example some cottage industry production takes place at the road side Chicken and Chips for international truckers heading to Lilongwe. Contrary to e.g. Ethiopia where potato snack production is widely spread at local markets such is negligible in Mozambique. This presents an opportunity.” Zambezi Valley 15.53 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
5 Mundai Frangos, LDA Building six pavilions for broiler chicken and egg production, along with acquiring feed manufacturing silos. The project includes hiring labor, purchasing materials, and obtaining equipment for the poultry farm. The potential area is 1,800 hectares, and the operational area is currently 0 hectares. Pemba 10.14 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
6 “Massification of Egg and Chicken production” “The company AVIMAGAS, LDA, intends to build 04 more pavilions for the production of broiler chickens and eggs; purchase layers for the production of 30,000 eggs/day; install an agro- processing unit for the manufacture of feed and acquire corn, soybeans and bagasse to process and supply the company’s poultry farms; Equip the pavilions with 200 batteries to increase the power of the current ones, as well as acquire circulating media for the work. Potential area: 3.5 hectares” Pemba 51.18 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
7 “CTA/CEP- Cabo Delegado” “Development of commercial agriculture in cooperatives for the production of corn, sesame, beans, potatoes and sweet potatoes and vegetables; Construction of water holes for irrigation and aerial tanks; Construction of a warehouse; Acquisition of various agricultural equipment and inputs. Potential area: 2,000 hectares Operational area: 0 hectares” Cabo Delgado 238.00 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
8 “Anchor project Moamba Fresh Products Market” A fruit and vegetable market will create opportunities for all interested parties to further develop their production, their respective market share and allow small and medium-sized private enterprises in the sector to prosper by creating an infrastructure of a marketing point . Distrito da Moamba 10.67 “Feasibility studies concluded” Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
9 Anchor project: Sugarcane Plantation Sugarcane production in the Moamba-Magude region constitutes an opportunity to be explored by the association of farmers who own the land in that location, in an estimated total area of around 12 thousand hectares, of which around 2 thousand hectares would be reserved for the production of alternative crops other than sugarcane, such as vegetables. “Distrito da Moamba e Distrito de Magude” 200.01 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
10 Anchor Project: Sugarcane Plantation and Sugar Production in Mopeia Sugar production project based on a central plantation owned by the farmers’ association and the company’s own production where the supply of raw materials to the factory will be assured by contract from its own production and producers in an area of 22,000 ha. With 25% of the area belonging to associations of small producers and independent private producers, local producers and 75% to the development company. Distritos de Mopeia 273.80 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
11 Irrigation Development Project in the Rovuma River Basin Construction/Rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructures, covering a total area of 50.000 ha. Promotion and development of the value chain for the vegetables, maize, potato and beans crops to supply Lichinga, Pemba and Palma. Pre- feasibility studies concluded by the Gov. NPV (Net Present Value): USD 193,516,729.11; IRR (Internal Rate of Return) : 9% and PBP (Payback Period): 20 years “Cabo Delgado and Niassa Provinces” 702.00 Not Available Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
12 Irrigation Development Project in the Lurio River Basin Construction/Rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructures of Chipembe and N’gure, covering a total area of 20.000 ha; Promotion and development of the value chain for the vegetables, maize and potato to supply Lichinga, Pemba, Palma and Nampula. Pre-feasibility studies concluded by the Gov; NPV (Net Present Value): USD 12,614,252.26; IRR (Internal Rate of Return) : 10% and PBP (Payback Period): 15 years “Cabo Delgado and Niassa Provinces” 208.50 Not Available Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
13 Irrigation Development Project in the Licungo River Basin Construction/Rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructures of Chipembe and N’gure, covering a total area of 20.000 ha; Promotion and development of the value chain for the vegetables, maize and potato to supply Lichinga, Pemba, Palma and Nampula. Pre-feasibility studies concluded by the Gov; NPV (Net Present Value): USD 12,614,252.26; IRR (Internal Rate of Return) : 10% and PBP (Payback Period): 15 years Zambezia Province 140.40 Not Available Not Signed Medium Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
14 Irrigation Development Project in the Zambeze River Basin Construction/Rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructures in a total area of 10.000 ha; Promotion and development of the value chain for the rice, maize, vegetables and potato crops to supply Tete, Chimoio, Beira and Quelimane. Pre-feasibility studies concluded by the Gov; NPV (Net Present Value): USD 326,075,028.10; IRR (Internal Rate of Return) : 9 % and PBP (Payback Period): 20 years Tete, Chimoio, Beira and Quelimane 1263.00 Not Available Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
15 Irrigation Development Project in the Mululi River Basin Construction/Rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructures in a total area of 30.000 ha; Promotion and development of the value chain for the sugar cane, rice, maize, vegetables and potato crops to supply Beira and Chimoio. Pre-feasibility studies concluded by the Gov; NPV (Net Present Value): USD 47.049.243,09; IRR (Internal Rate of Return): 10 % and PBP (Payback Period): 14 years Mogovolas and Murrupula in Nampula Province 421.20 Not Available Not Signed Medium Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
16 Irrigation Development Project in the Limpopo River Basin Construction/Rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructures in a total area of 15.000 ha: Promotion and development of the value chain for the rice, vegetables and potato crops to supply Maputo, Xai-Xai and Chokwe. Pre-feasibility studies concluded by the Gov: NPV (Net Present Value): USD 5.629.746,01: IRR (Internal Rate of Return): 10 % and PBP (Payback Period): 15 years Bilene, Chibuto and Massingir in Gaza Province 201.60 Not Available Not Signed Medium Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
17 Irrigation Development Project in the Maputo River Basin “Construction/Rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructures in a total area of 3.000 ha: Promotion and development of the value chain for the rice, vegetables and potato crops to supply Maputo, and Matola. Prefeasibility studies concluded by the Gov: NPV (Net Present Value): USD 1.125.949,20; IRR (Internal Rate of Return) : 10% and PBP (Payback Period): 15 years” “Matutuine district in Maputo Province” 42.10 Available Not Signed Medium Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
Project Number Project Title Project Description Site Location Estimated Total Investment Cost USD 10^6 Studies Available Project Status Priority Grade Type of Investment Source
18 Fruit and Vegetable Project “The project aims to established 4 fruit processing units, 4 horticultural and potato processing unit, 01 fruit improvement units, and 02 packaging production units. To this end, the project consists of the following components: (i) Fruit; (ii) Vegetables and potatoes; (iii) Packaging; (iv) Operationalization” Zambezi Valley 12.30 Concept Note Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MA DER
19 Rice Value Chain Development lead by Processing Project “(i) Complete processing line, Warehouse with capacity of 2000 tons / year, Silos with capacity of 3000 ton / year, Trucks with 30-ton capacity, Car for administrative services, Machine Park consisting of: Tractor, Plow, Harrow, trencher, fertilizer sower, tipper trailer, fuel tank, sprayer and combine rice harvest, Metal infrastructure of 2000 m²; (ii) Complete production line,” Zambezi Valley 36.71 Concept Note Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MA DER
20 PRODUCTION OF VEGETABLE OIL AND INSTALLATION OF BEAN PROCESSING UNITS’ PROJECT “(i) Factory building, Power Transformation Station, Warehouse with capacity of 50 thousand tons, Silo with capacity of 10 thousand tons, Complete kit for oil production equipment, Vehicles with a capacity of 30-ton, Administrative vehicle; (ii) Complete production line, Warehouse with capacity of 5000 tonnes /year, Truck with 30-ton capacity, Car for administrative services, Metal infrastructure of 5000 m²; (iii) Operationalization (International and National TA, Power supply; (iv) Commercialization” Zambezi Valley 16.90 Concept Note Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MA DER
21 Dairy Processing Plant This project focuses on the establishment of a milk collection centre with a storage capacity of 2,000 litres of milk. This milk will be collected daily or every other day by a dairy plant and milk supply comes from several dairy farms in the surroundings of the centre. Zambezi Valley 0.76 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Low Potential Partners APIEX/MA DER
22 Milk Collection Centre This project focuses on the creation of a milk collection center with a storage capacity of 2,000 liters of milk. This milk will be collected daily or every other day by a dairy factory and the milk supply comes from several dairy farms on the outskirts of the center. Zambezi Valley 9.58 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Low Potential Partners APIEX/MA DER
23 Optimization of cold chains and blueprints for investments “This project consists of developing the cold chain for perishable products in Mozambique, specifically: – Refrigerated value chains for vegetable storage and processing. – Commercial aspects for investment opportunities in cold chains for Mozambican and foreign entrepreneurs.” Zambezi Valley 2.00 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Low Potential Partners APIEX/MA DER
24 Production and processing of cashew nuts “Implementation of commercial plantations, acquisition of inputs, equipment for chemical treatment and storage infrastructure. Installation of cashew nut processing units with a capacity of 2,500 tons” Inhambane Not Defined Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Low Potential Partners APIEX/MA DER
25 Fruit production, marketing and processing Promotion of commercial mango, lychee, orange and pineapple orchards. There are experimental lychee plants that show good productivity Inhambane Not Defined Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MA DER
26 Anchor Project: Beef Fattening and Processing Unit and Its Derivatives Beef fattening and processing unit and its derivatives Distrito de Morrumbala 0.48 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MA DER
Project Number Project Title Project Description Site Location Estimated Total Investment Cost USD 10^6 Studies Available Project Status Priority Grade Type of Investment Source
27 Ancora Project: Flour and Feed Production with Mocuba Egg Production Unit The project plans to work with 5,000 to 6,000 family producers (involving approximately 60% female producers). 150 Small agricultural producers will be trained to intervene in their areas of influence as extensionists and also to intervene in the marketing of surpluses and renters of inputs. With available raw material, a feed factory will be installed, initially only for poultry, taking advantage of the potential of corn, bran that will result from the process of processing corn into flour, rice bran, the main components for the production of poultry feed. The activity of promoting corn cultivation will allow the establishment of a more structured and safe raw material supply system, which can attract more competitive supply services. Distrito de Mocuba 4.38 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
28 Implementation of a fertilizer production unit The project consists of the production of compound fertilizer and top dressing, which is currently being purchased in the Republic of Malawi and South Africa. The acquisition costs have been high, influencing the price of agricultural products. Taking into account the agricultural potential that the province has, there is a shortage of 135,691 tons/year of improved seeds, especially in soybean, beans, corn and potatoes. The project consists of the implementation of a unit for the production and processing of improved seeds of the crops described above, to meet the demand for agricultural production. Distrito de Sanga Not Defined Por Avaliar Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
29 Implementation of the processing, treatment and cutting industry for precious and semi-precious stones and precious metals The province boasts enormous geological-mining potential in terms of the occurrence of precious stones and metals, which makes it an investment opportunity in the processing and cutting sector as a way of adding value. Distritos de Lichinga e Cuamba 100.00 Por Avaliar Not Signed High Potential Partners MIC/APIEX
30 Agro-Rural Park Project (i) Wholesale Market 45 000 m², Cereal silos (Grain silos with capacity to conserve 2000 ton), Storage Center with Cold Fruit and Vegetables – Refrigeration room with a storage capacity of 10 ton / day to freeze up to 18 ºC, to conserve 6 to 4000 ton / day (length: 10 m, width: 7 m), Fruit and Vegetable Processing Unit (500 kg fruits and vegetables / day), Refrigeration truck with capacity of 4 to 5 tons, Infrastructures / sheds 600 000 m²; (ii) Operationalization (International and National TA, Power supply); (iii) Commercialization Zambezi Valley 15.90 Concept Note Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
31 Centers for Innovation and Technology Transfer (CITT) Project (i) Establishment of irrigation systems (by sprinkling, drip irrigation and by gravity) based on groundwater; (ii) Optimization of the seed processing capacity installed in the CITT’s; (iii) Acquisition of 10 vehicles; (iv) Connection of CITT’s to the national energy grid and reinforcement of one existing system; (v) Technical assistance to approximately 2000 trained producers; (vi) Disseminate technologies for seed production of rice; (vii) Action research; (viii) Operationalization (International and National TA, Power supply) Zambezi Valley 15.51 Concept Note Not Signed High Potential Partners APIEX/MADER
Project Number Project Title Project Description Site Location Estimated Total Investment Cost USD 10^6 Studies Available Project Status Priority Grade Type of Investment Source
32 Dondo Industrial Park Construction of basic infrastructures for the establishment of food processing agro-industries (cereals and fruits) furniture industry processing. Sofala Not Defined Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
33 Nacala Industrial Park Construction of basic infrastructures for the establishment of food product, agro-industry (vegetables, fruits, cereals, potatoes, fish) and Logistic services. Area: 800 Ha Nacala e Nampula Not Defined Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
34 Mocuba Industrial Free Zone location Construction of basic infrastructures for the establishment of textile Industry and Agro- Industries (vegetables, fruits, cereals, potatoes and meat). Area: 58Ha Mocuba e Zambézia Not Defined Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
35 Moatize Industrial Park Location Construction of basic infrastructures for the establishment of food production industries; agro-industries (vegetables, cereals, reindeer potatoes, meats), Non-metallic minerals industry and Logistic services. Area: 100Ha Moatize e Tete Not Defined Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
36 Manica Industrial Park Construction of basic infrastructures for the establishment of food production, agro-industry (vegetables, fruits, cereals, potatoes, fish, meat) and Logistic services. Area: 79Ha Manica Not Defined Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
37 Barue Industrial Park Construction of basic infrastructures for the establishment of food production, agro-industry (vegetables, fruits, cereals, potatoes, meat) and Logistic services. Area: 50 Ha Barué e Manica Not Defined Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
38 Vanduzi Industrial Park Construction of basic infrastructures for the establishment of food production, agro-industry (vegetables, fruits, cereals, potatoes, fish) and Logistic services. Area: 900Ha Vanduzi e Manica Not Defined Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
39 Textafrica Textile Complex Refurbishment (rehabilitation) and development of a textile complex for cotton processing and textile production. Chimoio e Manica Not Defined Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
40 Nacala Airport City Project The Project is designed to establish a light manufacturing industrial park as well as basic infrastructures and support services at Nacala International Airport to improve its competitiveness. Nacala e Nampula Not Defined Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
41 Wholesale Market Space for the purchase and wholesale sale of agricultural products Storage, conservation and distribution of fresh produce Provision for circulation of cargo trucks and distribution vans, banks, restaurants, supermarkets, refrigerators, and warehouses. Moamba 16.04 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
42 Anchor Project: Cement Factory in Morrumbala and Extraction of Heavy Sands from Moebase The project plans to work with 6,000 family producers (mostly female producers); Train around 100 small agricultural producers to intervene in their areas of influence as extensionists and in the commercialization of surpluses; The agricultural promotion activity aims to establish a system of regular and safe supply of raw materials, in a structured manner. At the peak of its production, it is expected to produce annually around 1850 liters of oil, around 5400 tons of bagasse and 19400 bars of laundry soap. Distritos de Morrumbala e Namacurra Not Defined Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
43 Anchor project: Oil and Soap Factory with an Agricultural Development unit The project plans to work with 6,000 family producers (mostly female producers); Train around 100 small agricultural producers to intervene in their areas of influence as extensionists and in the commercialization of surpluses; The agricultural promotion activity aims to establish a system of regular and safe supply of raw materials, in a structured manner. At the peak of its production, it is expected to produce annually around 1850 liters of oil, around 5400 tons of bagasse and 19400 bars of laundry soap. Distrito de Milange, Gurué, alto Molocué, Mocuba e Morrumbala. 1.9 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MIC/APIEX
44 Infrastructure for the Sustainable Use of Fishery Resources and Conservation of the Marine Environment 1. Implementation of resilient “blue” infrastructures to support artisanal, coastal, and semi-industrial fishing 2. Support for the establishment of Community Fishing Management Areas and Community Conservation Areas, consolidation of participatory fisheries management systems, and implementation of fishing gear marking/sealing and a specific insurance project for fishing units 3. Operationalization of management mechanisms for Community Fishing Management Areas and Community Conservation Areas, including registration, electronic licensing, implementation of management plans for artisanal fisheries, and support for local co-management systems 4. Support for a participatory study to define technical specifications for the standard vessel, implementation of the Electronic Logbook, and evaluation/revision of PEDPA. Mozambique 150.00 Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners PROAZUL
45 Mozambique Blue Ports 1. Conceptual framework and technical and institutional capacity development for phased implementation of the “Blue Ports” initiative in Mozambique 2. Rehabilitation and modernization of fishing support infrastructures and equipment, including efficiency and digitization, service diversification and integration into the local and national economy, energy transition, and reduction of pollutants and human health hazards 3. Environmental management and green infrastructure development, including waste management, marine litter prevention and collection, and recycling industry incentives 4. Participatory governance of fishing ports, including integration into national and local development plans, private sector involvement, and NGO and academic engagement in development and environmental audit planning. Mozambique 151.00 Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners PROAZUL
46 Ancora Project: Movene Dam The implementation of the dam will provide a greater supply of water to the Matola industrial park and other existing manufacturing units in this region, water for irrigation of agricultural fields and indirectly for increasing the number of hours of supply and new water connections for domestic consumption. Maputo and Matola and the Beluluane Industrial Park, 28.70 Feasibility studies completed Not Available Medium Not available MTC
Project Number Project Title Project Description Site Location Estimated Total Investment Cost USD 10^6 Studies Available Project Status Priority Grade Type of Investment Source
47 Implementation of the AGT/or Surface Metro System on the Baixa – Zimpeto route (via Jardin about 23 km) for Public Transport This project involves implementing the AGT Urban Transport system or Surface Metro in Maputo on the Baixa-Zimpeto route with an extension of approximately 20 km, which improves urban mobility based on advanced AGT technology. Maputo 13.00 Feasibility study carried out Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance MTC
48 Rehabilitation of Beira International Airport The project involves repairing the damage caused by tropical storm IDAI to all buildings at Beira’s international airport; improving operating standards to initial levels and upgrading buildings’ functionality, particularly the passenger terminal. Sofala 30.00 Programmed Not Signed High Not available MTC
49 Construction of a quay 11 and Fertilizer Terminal in the Port of Beira – Sofala Construction of the quay 11a and quay 11b, in the Port of Beira, including the paving of an area of more than 20 hectares and construction of a fertilizer terminal and support infrastructures. Sofala 312.20 Geotechnical studies of the infrastructure have been concluded, and the detailed design of the engineering project for both the Terminal and its supporting infrastructures is underway. Not Signed High Not available MTC/CORNELDERS
50 Rehabilitation of the South Quay of the Nacala Port Increase cereal handling capacity; improve safety conditions in port operations. Nampula 100.00 Not Available Not Signed High Not available MTC
51 Construction of Angoche Port Rehabilitation and operation of the Angoche Port for the export of agricultural products, fishery and mineral resources (specifically the heavy sands) as well as importation of fuels and lubricants, construction material and consumables in a total of 300,000 tons / year. Nampula 95.00 Studies carried out Not Signed High Not available MTC
52 Construction and Rehabilitation of Coastal Infrastructure Improving safety at river, lake and sea crossings N/A 20.00 Not Available Not Signed High Not available MTC
53 Construction of the Nyamayabwe Mutuali Railway Line 440 km long (Tete, Zambézia and Nampula) Construction of a 440km strategic railway that connects the centre and north of the country which shall increase opportunities and facilities to drain the production of the Zambezi Valley including Tete coal, without going through other countries. Tete, Zambézia and Nampula 1200.00 Not Available Not Signed High Not available MTC
54 Construction of the Railway Line Mapai -Massangena – Dondo (509.05 km of extension) It comprises the construction of a Mapai – Massangela – Dondo railroad, which should allow the inter link between the Limpopo and the Beira development corridors, as part of the North – South interconnection of the country. Sofala 1400.00 Not Available Not Signed High Not available MTC
55 Construction of the Ribaué Railway Line – Mocímboa da Praia It comprises the construction of a railroad from Ribaué to Mocímboa da Praia, constituting the last section of the North – South railway interconnection project in the country. Cabo Delgado Not Defined The mobilisation of funding for pre- feasibility studies for the Mueda Corridor, which includes the Ribaué – Mocímboa da Praia railway line, is under way. Not Signed High Not available MTC
56 Consolidation of Maritime Cabotage in Mozambique The project consists of the Rehabilitation and Improvement of Secondary and Tertiary Ports Infrastructures: (Inhambane, Vilanculo, Chinde, Pebane, Moma, Angoche, Mocímboa da Praia), acquisition of Ships for Maritime Cabotage, as well as a freighter “School” to operate in a cabotage regime to strengthen the School of Nautical Sciences in the training of maritime personnel. Inhambane, Nampula, Cabo Delgado Not Defined The package of measures and incentives to stimulate cabotage has been formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding with port operators. Procedures were simplified with the approval of instruments. Not Signed High Not available MTC
57 Revitalization Project of the National School of Aeronautics – ENA Ensure adequate and sustainable professional training for personnel involved in aeronautical activities (aeronautical and para-aeronautical). In the first phase, the ATO will develop the course and deliver it at a cost of approximately USD 4.8 million, which includes instructors, graphics, and course content equipment (IP). ENA’s refurbishment and the construction of dormitories and classrooms are part of the second phase, which will cost approximately USD 1.2 million. Not Available 6.00 As part of the preparation for the launch of the tender, the Terms of Reference are being finalized. A public-private partnership could also be negotiated for the ENA concession. Not Signed High Not available MTC
58 Project for the acquisition and installation of 2 new radars for the meteorological services The meteorological network should be strengthened by acquiring automatic weather stations, weather radars, altitude stations, and supercomputers to run numerical weather forecast models. Assist provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado with maritime and air navigation, agricultural planning, and climate change mitigation. Nampula and Cabo Delgado Not Defined Programmed Not Signed High Not available MTC
59 Construction of a Dry Port of UTI – Niassa Construction of a Dry Port in a UTE, which includes the warehouses, container terminal, truck park and other support infrastructures. Area:600ha Niassa 200.00 Programmed Not Signed High Not available MTC
60 Construction of the Techobanine Port and Railway and Port at Techobanine, Matutuíne district, Maputo Province) This corridor extends between southern Mozambique, Botswana and Zimbabwe, with potential benefits for the North region of South Africa. Construction of the Techobanine Railway and Port will be developed through a Public-Private Partnership, with agreed institutional arrangements between Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, as stakeholders in the project. Maputo Not Defined The pre-feasibility study of the project was carried out in each country. Not Signed High Mozambique Botswana Zimbabwe MTC
Project Number Project Title Project Description Site Location Estimated Total Investment Cost USD 10^6 Studies Available Project Status Priority Grade Type of Investment Source
61 Lurio II Hydro Power Plant, 12 MW Improve the stability and reliability of the Northern system in the Metoro – Macomia -Auasse Axis and anchor development of large projects in the Cabo Deloado. Cabo Delgado 310.00 Not Available Not Signed Medium Potential partners APIEX
62 Solar PV Power Plant, (30MW) The objective is to improve the renewable energy sector more attractive for private investment as well as to ensure the diversification of the energy mix at the target of universal access. Ongoing selection of the consultant for the feasibility studies for the technical, financial, environmental and social studies; Manje and Tete Not Defined Not Available Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance APIEX
63 Solar PV Power Plant, (30MW) “The objective is to improve the renewable energy sector more attractive for private investment as well as to ensure the diversification of the energy mix at the target of universal access. Ongoing selection of the consultant for the feasibility studies for the technical, financial, environmental and social studies. To be selected on the tender.” Lichinga and Niassa Not Defined Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance APIEX
64 Wind Power Plant (30 MW 50 MW). The objective is to improve the renewable energy sector more attractive for private investment as well as to ensure the diversification of the energy mix at the target of universal access. Ongoing selection of the consultant for the Feasibility studies for the technical, financial, environmental and social studies including one year wind measurements, the pre-qualification phase is expected to be launched 2023. To be selected on the tender. Jangamo and lnhambane Not Defined Not Available Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance APIEX
65 110kV Power Transmission Line Strengthening of Mozambique’s Southern Transmission System. Feasibility studies done. Massinga and Vilanculos Not Defined Not Available Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance APIEX
66 66V Power Distribution Lines (i) Reinforcement of power supply to Maputo City. Project documents under preparation. Matalane and Manhiça Not Defined Not Available Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance APIEX
67 Cuamba Photovoltaic Plant (15 MW) Diversification of the Energy Matrix and contribute to the availability of energy for EDM’s electrical system. Need feasibility studies. Cuamba Not Defined Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance APIEX
68 Cuamba Photovoltaic Plant (30 MW) Diversification of the Energy Matrix and contribute to the availability of energy for EDM’s electrical system. Need feasibility studies Cuamba Not Defined Not Available Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance APIEX
69 Dondo Photovoltaic Plant (30MW) Diversification of the Energy Matrix and contribute to the availability of energy for EDM’s electrical system. Need feasibility studies Dondo Not Defined Not Available Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance APIEX
70 “Lichinga Photovoltaic Plant (30 MW)” Diversification of the Energy Matrix and contribute to the availability of energy for EDM’s electrical system. Need feasibility studies Cuamba Not Defined Not Available Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance APIEX
71 Manje Photovoltaic Plant (30MW) Diversification of the Energy Matrix and contribute to the availability of energy for EDM’s electrical system. Need feasibility studies Manje-Tete Not Defined Not Available Not Signed High Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance APIEX
72 “Production of New and Renewable Energy for various uses” “Construction and operation of Solar, Gas and Wind Power Plant projects to meet projects ensuring energy efficiency.” Palma, Macomia, Mocimboa da Praia and Ibo Not Defined Not Available Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance APIEX
73 “Solar mini-grids – Zambézia Province” In the Zambézia Province, studies were carried out at 26 potential sites for the development of Mini-Grids based on solar power in the districts of Alto Molócue, Gilé, Ile, Lugela, Milange, Mocuba, Mocubela, Molumbo, Mopeia, Morrumbala, Mulevala, Namarroi and Pebane. The pre-electrification phase is expected to cover more than 6,675 connections with an installed capacity of more than 2,015 kW Alto Molócue, Gilé, Ile, Lugela, Milange, Mocuba, Mocubela, Molumbo, Mopeia, Morrumbala, Mulevala, Namarroi and Pebane 27.52 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance FUNAE
74 “Solar Mini-Grid Projects – Niassa Province” In the Province of Niassa, studies were carried out at 31 potential sites for the development of Mini-Grids based on solar power the districts of Lago, Majune, Mandimba, Maua, Mavago, Muembe, Ngaúma and Sanga. For this phase is expected to cover more than 5,300 connections with an installed capacity of more than 2,310 kW Lago, Majune, Mandimba, Maua, Mavago, Muembe, Ngaúma and Sanga 30 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance FUNAE
75 “Solar Mini-Grid Projects – Cabo Delgado Province” In the Cabo Delgado Province, studies were carried ut at 25 potential sites for the development of Mini-Grids based on solar power in the districts of Balama, Meluco, Montepuez, Mueda, Namuno, Nangade and Quissanga. The pre- electrification phase is expected to cover more than 2,629 connections with an installed capacity of more than 1,005 kW Balama, Meluco, Montepuez, Mueda, Namuno, Nangade and Quissanga 16.23 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance FUNAE
76 “Solar Mini-Grid Projects – Nampula Province” In the Nampula Province studies were conducted at 08 potential sites for the development of Mini-Grids based on solar power in the districts of Larde, Angoche, Malema, Mecuburi and Muecate. The pre-electrification phase is expected to cover more than 2,248 connections with an installed capacity of more than 780 kW Larde, Angoche, Malema, Mecuburi and Muecate 10.83 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance FUNAE
77 “Solar Mini-Grid Projects – Tete Province” In the Tete Province, studies were conducted at 15 potential sites for the development of Mini-Grids based on solar power in the districts of Angónia, Chifunde, Chiuta, Macanga, Mágoe, Marávia, Moatize and Tsangano. The pre- electrification phase is expected to cover more than 1,119 connections with an installed capacity of more than 365 kW Angónia, Chifunde, Chiuta, Macanga, Mágoe, Marávia, Moatize and Tsangano 7.79 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance FUNAE
78 “Solar Mini-Grid Projects – Sofala Province” In the Sofala Province, studies were carried out at 26 potential sites for the development of Mini-Grids based on solar power in the districts of Buzi, Caia, Chemba, Chibabava, Gorongosa, Machanga, Muanza and Nhamatanda. The pre-electrification phase is expected to cover more than 999 connections with an installed capacity of more than 365 kW Buzi, Caia, Chemba, Chibabava, Gorongosa, Machanga, Muanza and Nhamatanda 10.92 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance FUNAE
79 “Solar Mini-Grid Projects – Manica Province” In the Manica Province studies were carried out at 24 potential sites for the development of Mini-Grids based on solar power in the districts of Bárue, Guro, Machaze, Macossa, Manica, Mussurize, Sussundenga, Tambara and Vanduzi. The pre-electrification phase is expected to cover more than 2,948 connections with an installed capacity of more than 979 kW “Bárue, Guro, Machaze, Macossa, Manica, Mussurize, Sussundenga, Tambara and Vanduzi” 16.38 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance FUNAE
80 “Solar Mini-Grid Projects – Inhambane Province” In the Inhambane Province studies were conducted at 11 potential sites for the development of solar-based Mini-Grids in the districts of Mabote and Panda. The pre-electrification phase is expected to cover more than 1,559 connections with an installed capacity of more than 515 kW Mabote and Panda 8.13 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance FUNAE
81 “Solar Mini-Grid Projects – Gaza Province” In the Gaza Province 08 studies were carried out at potential sites for the development of Mini-Grids based on solar power in the districts of Guijá, Mabalane, Mapai and Massangena. The pre-electrification phase is expected to cover more than 715 connections with an installed capacity of more than 265 kW Guijá, Mabalane, Mapai and Massangena 4.76 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance FUNAE
82 “Solar Mini-Grid Projects – Maputo Province” In the Maputo Province, studies were conducted at 04 potential sites for the development of Mini-Grids based on solar power in the districts of Magude and Manhiça. The pre-electrification phase is expected to cover more than 349 connections with an installed capacity of more than 115 kW “Magude and Manhiça” 2.28 Feasibility studies concluded Not Signed Medium Potential partners, Financing and technical assistance FUNAE
83 Project to create income alternatives, increase food and energy security for rural communities 1. Conduct relevant studies to maintain/restore ecosystem services of hydrological basins and manage activities along rivers, lakes, and reservoirs 2. Build sustainable infrastructures for hydrological basin management and hydroelectric power generation 3. Develop green infrastructures and support communities in accessing innovative financing sources 4. Generate income initiatives by utilizing infrastructures and ecosystem services, involving the private sector Not Available 80.00 Not Available High Potential Partners PROAZUL

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